Compresoare cumpărați folosit (423)

  • Sortează rezultatele

  • Cel mai mic preț Cel mai mare preț
  • Ultimele anunțuri Cele mai vechi anunțuri
  • Cea mai scurtă distanță Cea mai mare distanță
  • Ultimul an de construcție Cel mai vechi an de construcție
  • Ultima actualizare Cea mai veche actualizare
  • Producător de la A la Z Producător de la Z la A
  • Relevanță
Cel mai mic preț
Cel mai mare preț
Ultimele anunțuri
Data postării
Cele mai vechi anunțuri
Data postării
Cea mai scurtă distanță
Cea mai mare distanță
Ultimul an de construcție
Anul fabricației
Cel mai vechi an de construcție
Anul fabricației
Ultima actualizare
Ultima actualizare
Cea mai veche actualizare
Ultima actualizare
Producător de la A la Z
Producător de la Z la A
Mașini de construcții Compresoare
Anunț clasificat
Compressor Ingersoll Rand R132IU-A7.5
Compressor Ingersoll Rand R132IU-A7.5
Compressor Ingersoll Rand R132IU-A7.5
Compressor Ingersoll Rand R132IU-A7.5
Compressor Ingersoll Rand R132IU-A7.5
Compressor Ingersoll Rand R132IU-A7.5
Compressor Ingersoll Rand R132IU-A7.5
Compressor Ingersoll Rand R132IU-A7.5
Compressor Ingersoll Rand R132IU-A7.5
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România Cristuru Secuiesc
282 km

Ingersoll RandR132IU-A7.5

Anunț clasificat
Compresor FIAC DRY 8
Compresor FIAC DRY 8
Compresor FIAC DRY 8
Compresor FIAC DRY 8
Compresor FIAC DRY 8
Compresor FIAC DRY 8
Compresor FIAC DRY 8
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Ungaria Tata
753 km


Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Compresor GRASSAIR  RLR 40 V 7
Compresor GRASSAIR  RLR 40 V 7
Compresor GRASSAIR  RLR 40 V 7
Compresor GRASSAIR  RLR 40 V 7
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Polonia Stawiec
924 km


Anunț clasificat
Compresor cu şurub ECO AIR C 5-SS
Compresor cu şurub ECO AIR C 5-SS
Compresor cu şurub ECO AIR C 5-SS
Compresor cu şurub ECO AIR C 5-SS
Compresor cu şurub ECO AIR C 5-SS
Compresor cu şurub ECO AIR C 5-SS
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Germania Hessen, Deutschland
1.443 km

Compresor cu şurub

Dealer certificat
Compresor de aer BTI BTI Air Compressor
Compresor de aer BTI BTI Air Compressor
Compresor de aer BTI BTI Air Compressor
Compresor de aer BTI BTI Air Compressor
Compresor de aer BTI BTI Air Compressor
Compresor de aer BTI BTI Air Compressor
Compresor de aer BTI BTI Air Compressor
Compresor de aer BTI BTI Air Compressor
Compresor de aer BTI BTI Air Compressor
Germania Nürnberg
1.291 km

Compresor de aer BTI
BTIAir Compressor

Anunț clasificat
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
Compresor Atlas Copco LC351 350L Compressor
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Suedia Skåne County, Sweden
1.391 km

Atlas CopcoLC351 350L Compressor

Anunț clasificat
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
Compresor Kaeser Atlas Copco
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România Timișoara
578 km

Kaeser Atlas Copco

Anunț clasificat
Compresor mobil Atlas Copco E-AIR H250 VSD
Compresor mobil Atlas Copco E-AIR H250 VSD
Compresor mobil Atlas Copco E-AIR H250 VSD
Compresor mobil Atlas Copco E-AIR H250 VSD
Compresor mobil Atlas Copco E-AIR H250 VSD
more images
Germania Wettenberg
1.478 km

Compresor mobil
Atlas CopcoE-AIR H250 VSD

Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Compresor CompAir
Compresor CompAir
Compresor CompAir
Compresor CompAir
Compresor CompAir
Compresor CompAir
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Germania Tönisvorst
1.638 km


Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Compresor METABO Basic 240
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Germania Wiesbaden
1.505 km

METABOBasic 240

Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Aspirator Airmec 25
Aspirator Airmec 25
Aspirator Airmec 25
more images
Italia Scerne
1.244 km


Dealer certificat
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Scheppach HC54 - Compresor Scheppach HC54
Licitație încheiată
Germania Röthenbach an der Pegnitz
1.284 km

Scheppach HC54 - Compresor

Anunț clasificat
Compresor KAESER ASK 34
Compresor KAESER ASK 34
Compresor KAESER ASK 34
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Germania Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
1.559 km


Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Compresor, S014991 Atlas Copco XAS426
Compresor, S014991 Atlas Copco XAS426
Compresor, S014991 Atlas Copco XAS426
Compresor, S014991 Atlas Copco XAS426
Compresor, S014991 Atlas Copco XAS426
Compresor, S014991 Atlas Copco XAS426
Compresor, S014991 Atlas Copco XAS426
more images
Polonia Wilków
879 km

Compresor, S014991
Atlas CopcoXAS426

Anunț clasificat
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
Compresor Kaeser M 45
more images
Belgia Sint-Katelijne-Waver
1.771 km

KaeserM 45

Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
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Olanda Groenlo
1.641 km

Atlas CopcoXAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol

Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Fuchs Terex și Liebherr Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914
Fuchs Terex și Liebherr Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914
Fuchs Terex și Liebherr Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914
Fuchs Terex și Liebherr Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914
Fuchs Terex și Liebherr Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914
Fuchs Terex și Liebherr Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914
Fuchs Terex și Liebherr Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914
Fuchs Terex și Liebherr Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914
Fuchs Terex și Liebherr Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914
Fuchs Terex și Liebherr Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914
Fuchs Terex și Liebherr Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914
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România Băiculești
385 km

Fuchs Terex și Liebherr
Fuchs Terex MHL430, Liebherr 924 and 914

Anunț clasificat
Compresor Atlas Copco
Compresor Atlas Copco
Compresor Atlas Copco
Compresor Atlas Copco
Compresor Atlas Copco
Compresor Atlas Copco
Compresor Atlas Copco
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Olanda Goudriaan
1.754 km

Atlas Copco

Anunț clasificat
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
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Belgia Waregem
1.847 km

Atlas CopcoXAS 97 DD - N

Anunț clasificat
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
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Olanda Groenlo
1.641 km

Atlas CopcoXAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol

Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 97 DD - N
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Belgia Waregem
1.847 km

Atlas CopcoXAS 97 DD - N

Anunț clasificat
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
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Olanda Groenlo
1.641 km

Atlas CopcoXAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol

Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
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Olanda Groenlo
1.641 km

Atlas CopcoXAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol

Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
Compresor Atlas Copco XAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol
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Olanda Groenlo
1.641 km

Atlas CopcoXAS 58-7 Valid inspection, *Guarantee! Diesel, Vol

Dealer certificat
Anunț clasificat
Compresor Irmer+Elze UND EL CPS11 C3 AIP EC Valid inspection, *Guarante
Compresor Irmer+Elze UND EL CPS11 C3 AIP EC Valid inspection, *Guarante
Compresor Irmer+Elze UND EL CPS11 C3 AIP EC Valid inspection, *Guarante
Compresor Irmer+Elze UND EL CPS11 C3 AIP EC Valid inspection, *Guarante
Compresor Irmer+Elze UND EL CPS11 C3 AIP EC Valid inspection, *Guarante
Compresor Irmer+Elze UND EL CPS11 C3 AIP EC Valid inspection, *Guarante
Compresor Irmer+Elze UND EL CPS11 C3 AIP EC Valid inspection, *Guarante
Compresor Irmer+Elze UND EL CPS11 C3 AIP EC Valid inspection, *Guarante
Compresor Irmer+Elze UND EL CPS11 C3 AIP EC Valid inspection, *Guarante
Compresor Irmer+Elze UND EL CPS11 C3 AIP EC Valid inspection, *Guarante
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Olanda Groenlo
1.641 km

Irmer+ElzeUND EL CPS11 C3 AIP EC Valid inspection, *Guarante

Dealer certificat